Is there still anybody who hasn’t heard about Baikal Lake? This huge reservoir of fresh cristal clean water in Siberia. It is famous as the most voluminous and the deepest freshwater lake in the whole world. It is as big as a sea!
The lake is situated right inside taiga. No… actually we mean that taiga forest, different mountain ranges, Russian, Buryat and Evenk villages, hot springs, and a lot more are situated all around this great lake. People still guess how it was formed, what kind of process it was. Considering the fact that in the night from 31 of December to 1 of January 1862 after a powerful earthquake the small village was washed out and in one night turned to a bay which has a name «Proval» (means «washout») we can assume that Baikal lake could appear like this in one day. By the way there is a Buryat legend about it.
According to this legend the real name of Baikal is Baigal from Buryat whoop «Bai gal!» which means «Fire, stop!». Long-long time ago there was an earthquake (another one). The surface of the Earth opened up, huge cracks spreaded all around and then powerful fire appeared from the underground. The flame was completely under control, it was destroying everything on its way. And then people start to pray with all their heart, but nobody helped them. They cried in despair: «Bai gal!» Suddenly, fire disappeared and on the fireplace it began to show up an enormous hole. Later it was filled with the purest water ever. Dozens of years have passed and still water is as clean that most of local people drink water straight from the lake.
The most popular start point is Irkutsk, there are direct flights from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok and from Beijing(China). Irkutsk is situated west-south from Baikal. From here it is easy to get to Ulan-Ude, Olhon island, Severobaykalsk and other attractive places around Baikal. From Moscow it takes 6 hours by plane and almost 5 days by train.