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The Sayan Ring, ethno-tour in Siberia

Russia Sayan Ring Mountains Shaman
Sayan Mountains is the geographical center of Asia, which is located in Russia, in the republics of Tuva and Khakassia. "Sayan Ring" is one of the best ethnographic routes in Russia and even the world! You will find yourself in the heart of mysterious Siberia, discover many secrets, cultures and peoples unknown to you.
You travel to:
  Explore and study the remains of ancient Siberian cultures and states of more than 5000 years old! The faces of the Okunevo culture, the gold decorations of the Scythians, the Siberian pyramids, menhirs and much more. These places are the cradle of ancient Asian civilizations.
  Listen and feel the best throat singing in the world.
  See the real mystery of
Siberian shamans, ancient as humanity itself.
  Wonder how the villages of Russian Old Believers live. People who don’t depend on modern civilization and state.
  Visit the best ethnographic museums in Russia: Shushenskaya village, yurt Aldyn-Bulak, a unique collection of Scythian gold in the museum of the city of Kyzyl.
  Take a walk along the
trails of the Siberian Taiga – the most beautiful and the largest forest in the world.
  Return home feeling rested and happy
  i-want to expedition!

Brief overview:

The organization fee covers: English-speaking guide service, all transfers, all accomodations (hotels/houses/yurts/tent camps), all excursions, throat concert, shaman rituals (like a show), meals (cafe, travel meals), Russian sauna (whenever there is a possibility).

The starting and finish point: city of Abakan, Russia
Time for the tour: from the end of May to the beginning of September
Duration: 8-14 days
Number of participants:  4-18 people
• Price per person: about 700-1800$ (for more details email us)
  Category: comfortable tour, trekking and hiking (option)
  Difficulty: there is no. For wild trekking about 5-20 km per day. Physical training is desirable.
  Accommodation: hotels (2 times), tourist bases (7 times), tent campes (3 times).
  Impressions: free wind of the Altai Mountains, the magic fire in the open starry sky and a true feeling road, which is possible only in the saddle mountain bike.
sayan mountains Ergaki park
Sayan Mountains Russia Ergaki park Tyvian Shaman Ritual Siberia Sayan Mountains Ergaki Russia

Sayan’s Ring, ethno-tour in Siberia

  Your personal travel consultant:

Only some travelers know that the region of the Sayan Mountains in a very remote and unknown Siberia is a real geographical center of the Asian continent. Not Nepal, not China and not even Mongolia. Southern Siberia, the republics of Tyva and Khakassia. Only they.But what hides from the view of the traveler this mysterious region? You know, very much…

The richest historical and archaeological heritage. Mysterious face-stones of Okunev culture (III thousand years BC). This is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids! Also there are «Siberian pyramids» — giant burial mound of Tagarsk culture (III hundred years BC). Ancient Tibetan Buddhist temples, prehistoric rock carvings. These are very-very ancient lands. The empire of Genghis Khan, the Kirghiz Kaganate, the Turkic Kaganate, the Huns, Scythians and many other unknown and forgotten states and peoples lived here.

A paradise for an ethnographer! This is your chance! Tyva is the only region in Russia where shamanism was not destroyed by the Communists. Continuity of generations is preserved. And now we can explore and observe a lot of real shamans and shamanic rituals. Also in Tuva (in Khakassia, too) preserved the villages of Russian Old Believers. These are people who fled to these mountains in the 17th century from the cruel Russian tsars and injustice. They have preserved their way of life, culture, rituals and independence since the 17th century. They are completely independent of modern civilization.

Unique museums and cultural centers of the world scale. Russian village Shushenskoe, preserved village of the 19th century. All houses, many items are kept. Gold of the Scythians in Kyzyl, a unique collection of gold jewelry from the royal burial mound of nomads. Aldyn-Bulak Yurts, the center of nomadic culture.

Siberian nature. The standard of purity. A beautiful, almost untouched by industry nature. Especially the Ergaki Mountain Park. You have never seen such rocks!

That is what hides the real center of Asia! And we, Siberian Expeditions Team have combined all these wonderful things into one route — the Sayan’s Ring. Now we are waiting only for you!

  Rodion, Guiade &
Siberian Expeditions Founder
Experience since 2006
  Rodion Zhitin
Why you should take this journey with us:
You will be taking part not in a tour or a trip, but in a real expedition,with its objectives, uncertainties, research and its unique atmosphere.
You will feel like a hero of the childhood books, Indiana Jones — this is the very authentic adventure tourism, which almost no one can offer in Russia.
You will discover a surprising unknown Russia.. We will not only show you beautiful scenery, but also give an extensive amount of knowledge and a possibility to meet most interesting and striking people
You will get a unique life experience. No one returns the same person from this expedition: there is a reassessment of values in life; there are interesting and reliable new friends, even the eyes of the travelers become wiser and happier, and more different. You are not a customer, you are a part of the team. We will explore and change the world together. As a rule, the expedition is just the beginning — we can work together on the received materials or carry out further joint projects.

Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Shushenskoe Village


Day 1. The city of Abakan, "Shushenskoe Village" museum
Meeting in the morning at the airport, breakfast in the cafe (national Khakass cuisine or traditional). At the request of the participants: a walk around the city of Abakan or a visit to the museum of local lore (the second is more interesting). In the museum you can get acquainted with the nature of Khakassia, history, and also see the unique statues of Okunev culture (III thousand years BC).
After lunch, transfer to the village of Shushenskoye and visit one of the best ethographic museums in Russia — Shushenskoye. This is a Russian village of the late 19th century, which has not changed to the present day. In this village at the beginning of the 20th century, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was in exile. There are old houses, an administration, a bar, a shop, a prison. Excursion around Shushensky. On request: Russian folk song ensemble.
Rally: 79 km by car. Meals in cafes, accommodation in the hotel.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Sleepng Sayan. Russia, Siberia  
Day 2. The first meeting with Ergaki Mountains
After breakfast, transfer to the visitor-center of the Ergaki Mountain Park. Trekking to Lake Raduzhnoe, setting up a camp (if the group wants trekking), recreation, walks. Beautiful sunset over the mountain «Sleeping Sayan». This mountain looks like a sleeping person. Above the mountain lies a huge «Hanging Stone». According to the ancient Siberian legend, when the Hanging Stone falls, the Sleeping Sayan wakes up.
Rally: 149 km by car. Trekking: 6-12 km. Meals in cafe, accommodation in a tourist camp or in guest houses.

Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Hanging Stone. Russia, Siberia  
Day 3 (option). Ergaki Mountains, Hanging Stone
Walk along the mountain trail to the Hanging Stone, which lies on the edge of the abyss. It seems he does not hold, but it’s not at all. Beautiful views of the Sayan Mountains are guaranteed! We go through the Pass of Artists to the foot of the Parabola Mountain and set up a tent camp.
Trekking: 10 km. Accommodation in a tent camp (there are no guest houses in these places).
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Parabola Rock. Russia, Siberia  
Day 4 (option). Ergaki Mountains, Parabola Rock
We meet dawn on the Lake of Artists, where you can see the view of the Parabola Rock. This is one of the most beautiful and unusual places in Siberia! Wildest and clean places. An unforgettable experience of a lifetime! Then we return to the visit-center of Erkagi Mountain Park. Russian Sauna, rest.
Trekking: 16 km. Accommodation in guest houses.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. The city of Kyzyl. Russia, Siberia  
Day 5. Tyva, The Center of Asia
Morning transfer to the city of Kyzyl, where is the geogaphic center of Asia. A short city tour and a visit to the National Museum, where a unique collection of gold jewelery of the Scythian kings is stored. Kyzyl is a young Siberian city where the ancient Asian style of life and the communist USSR blended. The statue of Lenin and the Tibetan mantras here are neighbors. At the request of the participants, an evening meeting with a tyvian shaman.
Rally: 190 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in a hotel.

Day 6 (option). Siberian Old Believers
Old Believers in Russia call the Russian people who fled to Siberia from the reforms of Peter
1 and Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century. These people live isolated to this day, preserving all the traditions (old beliefs) of those times. These people almost do not depend on modern civilization and try to keep as little contact with people from cities as possible in order to preserve their lifestyle. Nevertheless, you can visit them, they are very kind people and get acquainted with their life, which many city residents have forgotten. Rally: 150 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in guest houses. 
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Village of Old Believers. Russia, Siberia  
Day 7 (option). A distant Siberian village. No civilization
Uzhep is the most distant village of Old Believers on the Yenisei River. Next only small families live and monasteries stand. There’s no road, we’ll get here on the boat. Walk around this village, see another world, other people. In this place you can forget that somewhere far away there are huge megacities, crises, a lot of news. Time stopped here in the 17th century. After lunch, you can walk along the banks of the Yenisei River, visit the Russian sauna, try the real taiga cuisine.
Rally: 30 km by boat. Accommodation in guest houses.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Aldyn-Bulak yurts, Tyva. Russia, Siberia  
Day 8. Aldyn Bulak Yurts, Center of nomadic culture
Early in the morning we leave the taiga to the steppe, to the land of Asian nomads. On the bank of the Yenisei River, a little further from Kyzyl there are yurts, it is Aldyn Bulak — the Center of nomadic culture of the Republic of Tuva. In this beautiful place there used to be the residence of the Tyvin khan. Excursion, in the evening an unforgettable concert of throat singing. At the request of the participants, shamanistic mystery.
Rally: 190 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in yurts.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Tyvian throat singing. Russia, Siberia  
Day 9. Camping Sai-Honash in the Sayan Mountains
Camping Sai-Honash is famous for the traditions of Tyvin throat singing, one of the best in the world (in one row with Mongolia). On the way to the campsite, we stop at the walls of an ancient Buddhist monastery and near the statue of a Turkic warrior, the times of the Türkic Kaganate. We drive all day in the mountains and steppes of Tyva. The Republic of Tuva joined the USSR only in 1944, it is one of the most authentic and isolated regions of the country to this day.
Rally: 300 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in yurts.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Sayan pass, Siberia  
Day 10. Sayan Highlands
Today we return along the mountain road through the pass to Khakassia. Rise to an altitude of 2214 meters, around the beautiful mountain views of Siberia! This is an ancient caravan way, used by the warriors of Genghis Khan during the war with the Kirghiz Khaganate (modern Khakassia). From the pass we descend to the Siberian taiga, we stop in a tourist camping "Snow Leopard". In the evening, you can go to a real taiga Russian bath.
Rally: 120 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in guest houses.
Sayan Ring, Ethno-tour. Saiberian Taiga, Siberia  
Day 11-12 (option). Siberian Taiga Forest
Today we are all day among the mountains in the Siberian taiga. This is the largest forest in the world! You can just relax, take a walk along the trails among the Siberian cedars and firs, sit on the shore of a mountain lake. We can organize for you one-day trekking in the mountains or ride horses. It will be a very good days, you will not forget it never! You will miss the Siberian taiga, we promise.
Meals in cafe, accommodation in guest houses.
Sayan Ring, Khakassia. Russia, Siberia

Day 13. Okkult Khakassia Land
The steppes of Khakassia, which are located in the mountain ridges of the endless Siberian taiga, is a very ancient land. Many peoples and civilizations were here before it became the territory of modern Russia. Menghiri, shaman stones, ancient rock carvings (petroglypes), burial mounds — all these things are the natural landscape of Khakassia. The place of Power, so people say about Khakassia. We go to the Kazanovka Museum, the center of culture and traditions of Khakassia. It is in this place that we are awaited by a deep immersion in the ancient occult world of Siberia.
Rally: 250 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in guest houses. 
Sayan Ring, Menghiri in Siberia. Russia, Siberia  
Day 14. The city of Abakan. The ring closes
Before we close the "Sayan Ring" we will visit the «Valley of the Kings». In this steppe between the hills, there are a lot of ancient burial mounds and menhirs, a real «Siberian Stonehedges.» There are even remnants of pyramids, like the pyramids in Mexico. Ancient and very strong earth. In the evening, a farewell dinner in the cafe of the city of Abakan.
Rally: 240 km by car. Meals in cafe, accommodation in guest houses. 

P.S. You want  individual tour (or your personal itinerary) to the Republic of Tuva or the Republic of Khakassia, write to us about it, we are pleased to create for you an unforgettable journey!



Organization information:

The starting and finish point: city of Abakan, Russia
Time for the tour: from the end of May to the beginning of September
Duration: 8-14 days
Number of participants:  4-18 people
• Price per person: about 700-1800$ (for more details email us)


Car for the duration of the tour:
Comfortable minibus for 6-15 pax. If a group of less than 4 pax uses a sedan or another car.
Tour partners:
For mass media. For mass media: For mass media: if you want to publish a well-written story and beautiful pictures about the journey, just contact us.

The organization fee includes:

English-speaking guide service
All transfers (car, boat)
All accommodations (hotels/houses/yurts/tent camps)
Meals (cafe, travel meals, picnic)
All excursions, throat concert, shaman rituals (like a show)
Russian sauna (whenever there is a possibility)


The organization fee does not include:

Travel insurance
Russian tourist visa invitation
Alcoholic drinks

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     Rodion, Travel Consultant
    Rodion, Expedition Leader & Travel Consultant
    — or just call or text me at any time!

    skype: rodionzhitin, WhatsApp: +79137688731

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